Residents are trending away from online for their holiday shopping, and are now more likely to shop in-person than they were a year ago.
BERMUDA: With the holiday season just around the corner, we wanted to ask residents how they are planning to do their Christmas or holiday shopping and when they were planning to start.

One third report that they will begin their holiday shopping in November, while two in ten plan to wait until December. There are about a third who plan to start early and have either already started or plan to start this month.
In terms of how residents expect to do their shopping, online or in-person, results are mixed. Specifically, just over a third expect to do all or most of their shopping online, while two in ten plan to do all or most in-person.
When comparing results to one year ago, there is now a greater proportion planning to do more of their shopping in-person than online. Among demographics, younger residents (18-34 years) are more likely to do all their shopping online compared to older residents (55+ years). Bermudians and male residents more commonly report they intend to do most of their shopping in-person.

These results reflect opinions of 367 adult residents of Bermuda (18 years of age or older), conducted from September 1st to 20th, 2022. The questions are not commissioned by a third party and were collected independently by Narrative Research
Bermuda. The results presented in this document were collected from Narrative Research Bermuda’s proprietary online panel of adult residents, Bermuda Voice. Per industry standards, a margin of error cannot be ascribed to online survey results.
For more information, please contact:
Graham Redford, Managing Partner, Narrative Research Bermuda, 295-0972 or graham@narrativeresearch.bm
Margaret Chapman, COO and Partner, Narrative Research, (902) 493-3834 or mchapman@narrativeresearch.bm